Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Real Truth About Bottled Water, Purified Water and Tap Water
0 comments Posted by Bad Credit at 10:31 AMIt has been a wealth of information and misinformation about water and its value and its positive impact. Many people and organizations have the argument and the pros and cons are signatories were widely discussed. As a result there was a considerable amount of misinformation disseminated and discussed.
In any case, bottled water is a multi-billion dollar business and is very popular. And keep the rise in demand for alternatives in bottles because of the general populationtake a healthier lifestyle.
It is best to use a technical definition of "purity" begin. Purity is often numerically represented by "Total Dissolved Solids", or "TDS", which measures the concentration of soluble impurities. TDS is measured in terms of parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg / l). The EPA requires that tap water should not exceed 500 ppm impurities (of all kinds have). Why is this value is not 0 ppm?
Types of water
There are two typesconsumed in the United States today: Municipal (well known) than tap water and bottled (including spring washers, filtered and purified water. The conclusion of this article is: ALL MOST TAP and unhealthy bottled water. Purified water is the only one who is really safe to drink.
Here's the proof:
Tap water - tap water from municipalities to a large proportion of the population made available and most people are familiar with these types.
In Northern Virginia - WashingtonRegion, almost all tap water comes from surface sources such as the Potomac and Occoquan Reservoir, which is fed by the Occoquan River, both of which are dirty. The source of supply will be processed using basic techniques such as sand filtration, filtration (filters out large Feeding of waste and other organic materials), added flocculation (chemicals to coagulate smaller particles and float, so they can be removed), and finally obtain the Chlorine added to kill bacteria andMicroorganisms.
In most cases, tap water is considered (drinking water) according to EPA standards. The use of chlorine is widely used and most people object to the smell and taste of water when chlorine is present.
What exactly are EPA standards?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the regulatory body responsible for setting standards of quality of tap water. The EPA does not ensure purity, only that the water meets standards (which means pollutants andPollutants are allowed). Most communities with an annual glowing reports about the meeting EPA standards, but the standards are arbitrary and not supported by scientific tests and actually an easy way for communities to produce unhealthy drinking water.
Proposed an example of the inaccuracy of the EPA standards in recent legislation by Sen. Hillary Clinton (D. NY) and others that would force the EPA to revise standards to protect reflects, to New Yorkers against TCE, to onecarcinogenic chemical blamed for the pollution of water Long Iceland. Senator Clinton concluded that with regard to the EPA: "It is unacceptable that the EPA has failed the public from TCE in the more scientific evidence that it causes cancer and to protect the growing burden problems in New York and across the country. be exposed .. As a result of EPA delays, communities in New York continue to potentially toxic levels of TCE. "The conclusion that can be drawn from this schemethat the EPA protect our drinking water is at best dubious.
Standards allow certain "minimum" of harmful chemicals and impurities in tap water. What is the difference between a little poison into the body continuously or amount of poison absorbed absorbed in a short time? It can be argued that both are bad for your health.
Many other issues also on tap. How much can poison the human body and how the EPA must determine how much contaminationacceptable and safe? What test protocols shall use the EPA and how the test was conducted? What is made with people in question immune system?
These and many other questions remain unanswered.
Municipal waste (Tap) really safe?
Glowing reports in spite of municipal tap water is harmful to your health for a number of reasons:
· Chlorine is not particularly good for the body - it was connected to a variety of cancers is - but it did kill some microorganisms,You can violently ill.
· A recent study by the Associated Press revealed that pharmaceuticals are present in a large number of community care in the country. Some communities do not test for pharmaceuticals or hold the results of tests.
· There is a problem with heavy metals in municipal systems. Very toxic metals such as lead (especially dangerous for small children), and copper are in many urban systems, since the wires in homes and found they usedHeavy metals into the water after it leaves the filtration plant. Washington. DC, for example, was cited for excessive amounts of lead in municipal supplies.
· A recent outbreak of salmonella poisoning in Colorado, was due to contamination of the municipal supply.
· Micro-organisms such as Cryptosporidium was found and tested, because in many local utility and an outbreak of illness caused by Cryptosporidium in Wisconsin tracked contaminated municipalDeliveries.
· Many communities are long-term effects of fluoridation and fluoride is a controversial subject. Fluoride is a chemical that hardens teeth and prevents tooth decay, but the best application of fluoride in the dental office - not in the public drinking water supplies.
The TDS of Washington, DC tap water ranges from 200 ppm to 400 ppm and + area depends on many factors including the temperature of the river, the flow of the river, runoff, time of year(Fertilizing lawns, etc.) and many others. So, the tap water supply is constantly changing in quality - a fact that most people know never, never betray and municipal utilities.
In terms of health, tap adds little value addition to its low cost.
Bottled Water
Most bottled water is no safer than tap water and a good bit more expensive. Are types of bottled spring products are filtered, cleaned and cleaned with water in the highest quality.
Spring water is the topic of marketing spin and many popular fallacies. Many of those who are supported by misunderstandings less than accurate advertising pitches.
Many people believe, for example, that spring water is actually "pure". On the contrary, spring waters contain many of the same impurities found in drilled wells or even tap water.
A fact that is more than spring water, it is strongly affected by groundwater contamination from animal and industrial wasteRunoff.
But spring advertise "100% pure" spring water, so many businesses? The fact is that the "100%" pure does not refer to the absence of impurities in the water, but the source of the energy of the water. This means that 100% of the water in the bottle came from an underground source (eg a pen), instead of surface water. This cleverly written sentences under certain circumstances permitted by law, but many people find them to be misleading and unethical.
And pollution from sources thatdeliver the water is more often than not. Contamination of groundwater from animal waste can spring water and industrial pollutants such as benzene, and MTBE perchlorinate concern, are usually found in spring water. Benzene is a carcinogenic byproduct of the oil refinery is perchlorinate used in rocket fuel and is highly toxic, even in small quantities and used MTBE in gasoline to improve performance and lye into the water to abandoned U-shaped fuel tanks.
In 2004, the EI DuPontCo, was about 300 million U.S. dollars in fines and penalties for the release of Teflon-related chemicals into the Ohio River, which assessed the pollution sources and wells in the vicinity. The sentence included a requirement for the supply of large quantities of bottled water.
Spring water advertising is all about images - images of mountains, streams and wildlife. The reality is quite different.
Spring water is bottled at source in general, but is usually chlorinated, and the trucksBottling plant. At this point it is to remain basically the same as chlorinated tap water and impurities, because the filtration process not only filter and clean.
Filtered water
This is a product of the mass is distributed in commerce. As a rule, is the source of municipal tap water. The water is then run through carbon filters to remove the chlorine taste and odor before it is bottled.
It is basically tap water without chlorine. In terms of quality,it really is not much different than many spring waters. He comes from a "natural" source, goes through minimal filtration, and is then bottled and shipped to market.
Purified water
Purified water is the fastest growing segment of the bottled water industry, in particular because it is purer than other types of waters. There is a definite health trend today is towards buying healthy living and many health-conscious consumers because it something that want the higher quality andPurity than other options such as tap water.
To meet the legal definition of "purified water", must impurities removed to the U.S. Pharmacopeia definition of justice to (99.9% pure and adopted) by the Food and Drug Administration.
The water must be tested and the results made available to the public. Any reputable vendor cleaned bottles produce reports on demand. The most effective method of cleaning is to be a steam distillation / oxygenation that pure, good createstasting water.
Purified water is often mixed with filtered water. While both types is a type of filtration (as it almost) every spring water, purified water through additional cleaning, generally, purified distillation. The resulting product, "purified" water is much higher purity, as well as spring, tap water or filtered water.
Consider the product is not the source
Purified water may originate from either a spring or surface water orSource or ground water directly from the tap. The source of the water does not matter, it's the cleaning that counts. As the cleaning process is designed to remove virtually all types of impurities, the quality of the source water has cleansed little or no effect on the quality of the finished product.
The steam distillation process of cleaning will consistently produce extremely high purity water, regardless of the variations in the quality of source water. This is nottrue of spring, tap water or filtered water. For this reason, purified water as a standard against which the purity of the other waters will be displayed assessed.
When you buy water for higher quality and higher purity reasons, purified water is the best choice. Tap water in bottles and on the products of hype and spiders are the facts. , Investigate before you drink.
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Saturday, January 23, 2010
Today, with books written and movies are made, or mini-series, the hero of the civil war is most likely Robert E. Lee. Lincoln often plays in a praise, and the romantic figures of Stonewall Jackson and Jeb Stewart are clearly visible. Everyone knows that Ulysses S. Grant Lee treed and beat him. But Grant is almost never praised, never made movies or TV series about him, and rarely talked about the highest in the notes. In fact, most northerners Robert E. Lee know prettygood to know, but not even Grant. The reasons why this is so would fill a book, and take careful and complex research. I'm not going there. I want to tell you, but that it is not always so. After the Civil War, General Grant spell of fame in the world. The crowds flocked to cheer him and that has been exceeded in Europe, probably in honor never before, certainly from a military man, and he was the undisputed hero in our country. Grant was so popular that he easily won thePresidency twice, even if completely unqualified, unsuitable and not thrilled about it. His book, which he has done with great difficulty shortly before dying of throat cancer from the chain smoking cigars, an instant bestseller. For the modern American who has heard little of Grant, this seems surprising, but it would not, if the facts were known. I want to spend a little time on these facts by comparing the career and achievements of the two great generals
Both Lee and Grant at the United States Military Academy at West Point on the Hudson. Lee graduated with honors in 1829 and went to the engineering corps. Grant completed fourteen years later and was assigned to the infantry. Grant's West Point career was ordinary at best, in contrast to Lee's high standards. He stood in horsemanship, but nothing else. His talent for mathematics from the curriculum easy for him, but in his free time, he did not eventhe interaction, the choice to go more to the library and read. From the outset, Grant was a quiet thinker, but one of his mentors missed this very important point almost entirely. Lee took the military life like a duck to water, but his experiences at the Academy Grant left largely unchanged.
The Gathering Storm
Even as the storm clouds gathered, transported Lincoln Lee, the rank of colonel in the regular army, and Lee, at this late stage, took an oath to protect and defend the Constitutionthe United States. At the initiative of General Scott, Lincoln seemed ready to appoint Lee as commanding general of the National forces. Lee knew this step, and he was very popular that high honor and position, however. He knew that it would soon mean a rupture between him and his mother and father. Lee as a spin-off does not justify illegal, too, unbiblical and regrettable act of revolution. In his teachings at West Point, and his conversations with other officers, he openly andSlavery is often condemned as morally reprehensible and economically unhealthy in the long run. Nevertheless, he chose not to his knowledge oath to the Union as a commitment to participate in the military defeat of the secessionist states. This is partly made him a Southern Sympathizer even while holding office in the Union. Still, Lee agonized over the controversy raging within him. Lee went on from his office in Arlington, and thought his future. The dilemma was solved for himdrops out at his home state of Virginia. Lee resigned with great regret personally and patriotic, and went to Virginia to unite the rebel cause. His initial duty assignment called for the recruitment, organization and training of militias.
The warrior-born
Grant has a commission as commander of the 21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry at the rank of colonel. It was not long before he was at the request of its governor, Brigadier-General. Grantpenetrated, and because of the far-reaching insight into the war that led to his early success. He saw the military potential of water transportation and the importance of the great ship-mounted guns, not with the territory as a means of breaking the blockade of the Cumberland, Tennessee, Mississippi and the rivers.
These rivers provide easy access for an invasion of the South. He proved his theory by the reduction of Fort Henry and Fort Donnellson, in February1862nd Confederate concern about the Union is now in a position with heavy, boat-mounted batteries strike caused the evacuation of Nashville, Tennessee, and rail center of the bastion of defense. Federal progress toward Tennessee, Pittsburgh Landing pushed the Confederates out of Columbus, the main line of defense on the Mississippi.
Grant's ability Recognized by Lincoln
These successes have led to Grant's promotion to major general by the appreciativePresident Lincoln. When General Buckner said, was what Grant's terms at Donnellson, Grant replied: "My terms are immediate and unconditional surrender." That the name of "Unconditional Surrender Grant led", the later U.S. Grant and Sam Grant. Thus, the bad boy of West Point achieved the status of commander three months before the famous Robert E. Lee, who graduated form West Point many years ago.
Professional envy loses almost all of the war
At this point,in Grant's career, and after U.S. Grant became a household word, decided to Halleck, Grant's superior, that the events needed in the area of his close supervision. Out of envy, he put Grant into meaningless tasks away from the public and even tried to put him court-martialed for insubordination, because Grant was not the explicit permission of Halleck, before the capture of Fort Henry. McClellan also hated Grant supports the efforts and it seemed destined for success. Grant had a few friends in theprofessional military. He was an affront to all of them because of his success outside of official channels. But Lincoln discovers their game and put and end.
Lee Promoted by Default
In June 1862 McClellan had put his massive army on the ground at Fort Monroe, Virginia, and pushed up the peninsula, the use of the gates of Richmond. On the first day of the forces in June McClellan was in operation, and heard the bell towers of Richmond. At this critical momentDavis was tired of Johnston and Beauregard, and not for Prince John Magruder adequate to the task of defending Richmond, said Lee was appointed as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. It resulted, for whatever reason and there were many curious onlookers in the destruction of the right-McClellan and the pressure of his monstrous army back against the waters of the James estuary.
The inability of Halleck and McClellan
Although Halleck was the thing that Grantstarted and had succeeded in Corinth, he was not up to the task of commander in the West and faltered badly. He detached himself aware of its strong position in Corinth try to repeat Grant's brave achievements. This will jeopardize his position and his powers. At the same time, Lee was completely neutralized in the north of the timid McClellan.
Braxton Bragg at Corinth succeeded Beauregard in command of the Confederate Army in the West. Not by the incompetent Halleck put under pressureBragg, reinforced and equipped with depleted the units that Grant had destroyed them all, but at Shiloh, and sent to Chattanooga. His plan is essentially the power away from the core in favor of Nashville Tennessee and central Kentucky. It was a strange arrangement, but considering what he inherits. As they were from central Mississippi to East Tennessee, General Kirby Smith, an army in the upper Tennessee Valley leaned over the enforcement of the Cumberland Gap and occupation of the BluegrassRegion of Kentucky. At the same time, General Sterling Price and Earl Van Dorn collected distribute forces from both sides of the lower Mississippi River for an attack on Corinth to Halleck to. But it was not they would be against Halleck. Halleck, remote sensing, and you no longer see the deterioration in their glory gone for himself and let Grant be filled with a relatively small contingent of troops.
Halleck continued ignorance of the war from the field of battle display. Good Administratoras he was, he did not belong in the field. He failed repeatedly correct him about the intelligence of enemy troop movements. Halleck offered modestly interpreted delivered praise for the conduct of the West, but in reality it was the success that Grant was able to achieve despite Halleck. Lincoln saw two things. Halleck was important for the war as a theoretician and administrator, but useless as a general. He called Halleck to Washington and appointed himGeneral in Chief of the Army to meet the post vacated by the retired Winfield Scott.
Pope and Burnside, Lincoln's two other events depressing
Halleck, under the direction of the president, McClellan ordered from the James and escape back to his native soil. At this point, McClellan was divided army and a new command, established under the title of the Army of Virginia was given and General John Pope. Pope to Gordonsville with Richmond, the hoped for advance end --Target. Pope's failure brought together with damaging information about McClellan by Colonel Sharp, on Burnside, which made no better proof.
Lee, the triumph of the Great Victory and the humility of the crushing defeat
With the advent of the Hooker had, it looks to Chancellorsville. Lee took the initiative to the phenomenon of Hooker's withdrawal and fell in Maryland. His hopes of success have been denied and that this error written to the beginning of the destruction of theArmy of Northern Virginia, through no fault of the Union, but by Lee's own miscalculations. The Confederates were defeated at Gettysburg and Vicksburg fell the following day.
Grant, Vicksburg, and a winning strategy
With the decline in Vicksburg, a comprehensive strategy for the defeat of the entire armed forces in the south took place in Grant's mind. The control of the Mississippi River from Cairo to the Gulf of Mexico was the first step. This was mainlyperformed. The second and most important part of Grant's theory was that no area should be given preference. The meaning must be determined in light of the importance of each campaign. This in turn was directly related to strategically important locations and functions. He felt that after the opening of the Mississippi, was the order of importance to isolate all areas east of an imaginary line through Chattanooga, Atlanta, Montgomery and Mobile. This could be done by ahuge push up through the soft underbelly of the south from the Gulf region. Once this was done, Grant of water transportation support that Forrest did not cut off, and with the protection and re-supply, which are available from New Orleans and would be protected by the U.S. Navy would be his veterans of the Army of Tennessee and it leads to the Alabama River to Montgomery. Rosecrans would continue by land to the north Georgia and then to Atlanta.
Lincoln had no militaryVisionary
But Lincoln vetoed the plan. He had problems, such as in Mexico think of Napoleon III, and he was concerned about expansion of the forces in reserve for critical flicker. He insisted on a demonstration in Texas, to the obvious ambition of deterrence Napoleon III in that direction. He acknowledged the grant, in a personal remark that the Mobile plan looked very tempting.
Grant to the Rescue Again
However, he can continue on Rosecrans, by landthrough Tennessee and northern Georgia, where possible. Rosecrans fell upon his military fanny in Chattanooga and was General George H. Thomas, a determined man, the army, not only out of embarrassment, but also completely rescued from destruction in the first battle of Chickamauga had been replaced. But Thomas, once commanded the Union suffered disease was tentativeness and hesitation and starved to death, along with his men and horses, in Chattanooga. Grant had to go in too, with Sherman comingfrom the Vicksburg area to the west in order to save the army to push and Bragg in a large and difficult to defeat. Bragg fought firmly at the top of the hill and Grant up and entrenched in the open. It was so impossible that Joe Johnston was called in to replace Bragg by angry, frustrated and disappointed, Davis. It also has a more crowded pen now Grant's hat.
Grant, the thinker and the man with the vision to not let pass without comment on the possibilities (and that LincolnHalleck were ignored) presented by the control of the Mississippi River and the open gate in Chattanooga. He suggested that was a continuation of the Mobile campaign, until the rains passed and the long, unpaved streets had a chance to dry. Grant knows how many battles did the Union on roads where the people could not walk and could lose his car and guns will only be moved, inch at a time. He proposed to proceed only on shipments transported by rail, they concentrated in Chattanooga and that a major campaign tothoroughly planned for the autumn.
Lincoln finally makes the move that wins the Civil War
Unbeknownst to Grant, Halleck, Lincoln had fought for the collection of Grant in Washington for some time. The defeat of Bragg and Chickamauga and the soundness of his proposed plan was the trigger. Lincoln could not wait any longer. Grant was in Washington to welcome a hero brought enormous that neither he nor could foresee Lincoln. Halleck and the old boy networksin the military can deny what he deserves Grant, but nothing could have succeeded him Keep out of the hearts of the people of the north. It was a people that had seen a fiasco after the other in the Army of the Potomac, while Grant had won five p.m. campaigns without a loss. When he made his banishment by Halleck in the swamps of the Mississippi and Tennessee, the people thronged him as a conquering hero.
Whether by trial and error, the chances for Lincolnto make the right decision or whether it was a case of the President that she finally learned there was a genius stroke. When Grant took over on 14 March 1864, he had won 17 campaigns, taken 100,000 prisoners and over 500 heavy artillery pieces captured. Compared to its successes, the Union has no other general.
You Can not Fool the troops in the field
"Grant is the only man who can whip the rebs every time, and he can do it any time that he tried," saidPrivate John Brobst of the 25th Wisconsin, the girl was married. "We would not give our General Grant for all the generals who are in the northern army." If history is to be taken for anything that Brobst was right. All of them turned back numerous times before success came Vicksburg, and less than sparkling performance at Shiloh, Grant had never lost a battle.
Lincoln Fears Grant's Popularity
Lincoln, who was heavily pushed along Grant under, second, when he saw the hero worship in the community and in Congress. It had never occurred to him, but now it's popularity. Grant was amazing, and although Grant was easy to install and never tried flattery, it was clear to Lincoln that Grant like the praise and glory. Had he had another McClellan? Grant, it was not, and signed a paper that he did not Lincoln for the presidential election. Lincoln was satisfied, and brought on Grant. Lincoln's much-desiredGeneral. From that day on the war changed dramatically for the Army of the Potomac and for the whole Union war effort.
An Imperfect but steady path to victory
There was stalemate in the desert and at Spotsylvania And. Because of his only loss in court, it was a cruel defeat at Cold Harbor. Nevertheless, Grant was subjected gradually to the great Confederate general, and people knew it. At War's end, they knew to whom the credit for the victorybelonged. So everyone in England, France, Germany, Russia and the rest of the world. That is the reason why Grant knew popularity and praise from more than MacArthur, Eisenhower, or Napoleon. It is regrettable that the great efforts of reconciliation to the south and the paleness of the little man Grant (5'6'', 110 lbs, soft, silky hair, a beard and boring), very private, the once splendid show of one of the dimmed the greatest generals in historyWars.
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Saturday, January 9, 2010
Because of the increasing and lack of control over the cost of gas, it is necessary to stretch, which is always available while balancing the high prices and fuel drain through creative planning. A one-tank trip in Philadelphia for a long drive west of the state to the national parks, because its average inclination of the regular unleaded gasoline. The available options include the choice of destination and is the base from nearby attractions can be visited. Another optionincludes planning a circular route and procedures at various stations without a trace route to make. A circle of 200 miles would stretch south into Northern Virginia and as far west in central Pennsylvania, northeast to New York and Birmingham and east toward the Maryland shore. This would ensure more areas to visit and not much fuel is consumed.
Gas price increases by a visit to specific beaches, no beach tags during the day will be compensated for hours. These beaches usuallyoffer multi-day tags and senior discounts while charging a range of 4-6 dollars per day for persons over 12 years. Sand is essentially free in places like Wild Woods, Strathmere and Atlantic City. It is important to fill the tanks in the city of Jersey, because the prices are much lower compared to most places in the country. Rehoboth Beach and other Delaware beaches is to be further south and beach tags is not necessary, with the exception of the state in the parks.Ocean City, Maryland is a great beach, the Atlantic is also free.
During the summer there's darling of the discount gas cards offered by 25 or $ 50 gas credit, usually from certain countries that offered their interest lies in the economy. In most cases, you really deserve the credit and gas sample is a stay in a particular hotel for a predetermined period of time. Another example may be for several major league baseball teams with gas credit in an effort ofPromoting the sale of tickets. The Red Cross is another good example of a company that has lead in giving away gas cards taken, while ensuring that there is a daily winner of donors each day. Other places with gas card offers include, the pharmacy and grocery stores.
An ideal tool for reducing the engine while exploring is cycling. All of the above routes can be done as day trips or as an alternative in areas where a combination of cycling and sightseeing are compatible. The Perkiomen Trail and the Schuylkill River Trail are two gems that stretch 40 miles from the Museum of Arts and passes Green Lane Montgomery County and beyond through to Green Lane Park, the center-state route of the Pine Creek Trail is quite spectacular by their growth in the last ten years, a trace of the crash along the road winds its way from Pennsylvania Grand Canyon Wellsboro to Jersey Shore. The C and O Canal track contains a line which includes such highlights as the Great Falls on the> Potomac River.
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Labels: Creative, Philadelphia, Planning
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I'm not a big history buff, but I have found a city full of history, I recommend that everyone visit at least once in their lives. This city is Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. It is a city rich in history, civil war is full of historic buildings. It is also a city rich in beauty sits in the place to meet where the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers and is surrounded by hills and trees.
I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania that was only a short drive from HarpersFerry. I would often like a day, sometimes just sharing to get away from the hustle and bustle of work and school and at other times, the city with friends and family. Every trip I made, I always learned something new about the area and saw something I had not noticed before.
There is so much to see and do in Harpers Ferry. When you arrive in the city, you will think that you can through it in about 2 hours to go and be done. Although it is a small town, it is packed withinteresting shops and tours that can easily hold around for a long weekend. When you visit this city, be prepared to come in the early morning hours so that you can take it all in.
Harpers Ferry history, the website of the raid of the famous John Brown's. You can read about the raid and prosecute before the infamous event. This city is also the location of the first integrated high school and the location of the first successful railroad. There are historic homes that might be a tour and an oldCemetery, the tombstones, which includes the Civil War before. You can use a card to make your own tour or a guided tour of the area.
If you want to buy, you will find everything from antique shops to find that shops selling local arts and crafts too. It is a jewelry store that contains beads and gemstone jewelry. There are a few restaurants, all the good food and an ice cream parlor, you must visit. Do not forget pictures of himself with famous people in the waxMuseum.
After you visited the city itself, you can hike the surrounding areas. It is an old railway line, which overlooks the rivers. You can hike up to the top of Maryland Heights. You can walk and travel guides online or at the entrance of the park.
If you are ever in the West Virginia area, I recommend that you make a stop in Harpers Ferry. Between the beauty, history and shopping opportunities, you will find something of everything in this picturesqueCity.
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