Friday, February 26, 2010

Collision with sequences inclusion Helmet Camera The new camera with CF. A vehicle of this page are in a ditch. Driver was trapped in the vehicle. Video response to the scene and the camera on his helmet during the rescue.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bill is a normal boy. He is a truck driver in Sparta, Kentucky. He is a man and a father. And it's a good guy. He likes to talk, I learned when I met him in the summer of 2003. We had a pleasant conversation. He was invited to conduct a local American Cancer Society Relay for Life Benefit Concert at a local horse ranch and my family for some time with his wife Tina and speak the dominant race there in Crystal Valley, which were ourFavorites. The local nonprofit public service Oldies station in the country of West Virginia School for the deaf and blind, WVSB was operated for two tracks from his CD "One Lucky Man 'Airplay serious. One of the songs The position of the receiver, a song called "The Ride", an old man, who was born a child who grew up in the finale, which require their services, and found the old man who has not seen before the trial, and perhapsAbout himself. And this song that had developed across the road in these regions. Bring them to hear the song, and you'll understand why people in the mountains of West Virginia Potomac, Bill Arnold is always love. 8/4/08 ** UPDATE **-- bill finally a MySpace page! Any takers?

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The borders of Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland, which overlooks the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers, is the historic town of Harpers Ferry. Harpers Ferry is a perfect state of conservation of mid-19th Century City, located on the river, is managed by the U.S. Park Service, and is a unique place. It offers spectacular views of the Potomac and Shenandoah River Canyon of screenings, including the famous "Jefferson Rocks. The city is home to severalRestaurants, including outdoor dining, a playmaker outside of the museum represents the history of life and also the voice of the spirit of welcome famous abolitionist John Brown. This is the perfect complement to my favorite reason to visit Harpers Ferry, and charm as walking and cycling is the goal.

Harpers Ferry has a chance to sit astride two modes of family, the Appalachian Trail (AT) and the C & O Canal Towpath bike path. The AT stretches from KatahdinMountain in southern Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia. The C & O runs along the Potomac River from Georgetown in Washington, DC, to Cumberland, Maryland, a distance of 184 miles. Units in place for short trips along the Potomac River, about 3 miles north of Harpers Ferry, before the separation.

Hiker weekend to enjoy the park should be an early start up. My favorite is the night walk 8 miles (km of road that is), south ofHarpers Ferry, West Virginia border in Virginia, where the Appalachian Trail crosses Route 9 There is a small parking lot on the north side of the road here, and serves as a good place to park the car for the trip at night. If you are alone, you can return to double and collect the next day, or, ideally, fall from a machine at the other end of the place in Maryland at Crampton Gap, near the historic village and peaceful Burkitsville.

His trip to the north of Highway 9This leads to a "soft landing" of what was once farmland will take time but is now a wooded plateau. The culmination of this part of the route is, as you cross Highway 340 and Loudon Heights. The forest in this area is so close to the old growth is likely to see in eastern Europe. To find the way to the dramatic decline of the union Shenandoah. The forest here acquires an almost supernatural charm.

Must come to Harpers Ferry, with a lot of timeleft to take in museums and cooling in May a cool drink of your choice. N. camping in the park, but the Hilltop House Hotel offers travelers at very favorable prices. Excursions in the north of Harper, you can choose to see the ruins of Maryland Heights, then back to the car in the south or to Crampton Gap. Crampton Gap was the site of fierce fighting in the prelude of Antietam during the Civil War. The park is full of historicalOf interest, including indicators of many of the actions of the battle and the monument is very special for war correspondents. The approach can be found in the C & O Canal Towpath basic monitoring of South Mountain. Feel free to dip their feet in the Potomac River, a cold or get a package of fishing rod to make. Upon reaching the summit of South Mountain Top Weverton sure represented at the hearing, because it is one of the best in Maryland. North for a couple of hours on foot and is done. OnlyTake That second vehicle, and back to Highway 9 for the planned exchange. Congratulations on a great weekend!

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Driver Jimmy Cardwell rolling over in turn 1. 2002 bomber class

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Motor Vehicle Collision with entrapment Helmet Camera Footage with the New FC II Camera. Single vehicle on it's side in a ditch. Driver was trapped inside the vehicle. Video of the response to the scene and video on the helmet camera during the extrication.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This question is very often indeed. Fishing kayaks are slightly tilted? My answer is always a simple yes-no, and maybe .. I know, not so easy, but with further explanations, we hope to understand. At different times, in your experience with kayaking, you will discover what I mean.

Yes, they are easily tipped. If you find the sweet spot that will be most fishing kayaks, you dump quickly. They are generally very lenient to lean back and forth. Thisis primary, and deals with the kayak feel "stable" or not. You can usually pretty much starts to feel lean over to one side, in front of the kayak, as it goes to the top. Wider kayaks and provide leaning more, because of the larger area on the water.

You will once you find these boundaries, or the sweet spot that you will dump your kayak. No warning, something more than you're going. This is called secondary stability. Fishing kayaks are wider, and this helps with the secondaryStability. However, as a canoe if you are "sweet spot, you will usually have no time to react before you are in the drink. Length helps secondary stability as well as playing, but not as big a role as the wide makes.

One thing that you should practice, and the only time that I think you will dump your kayak is when you leave and back into the boat. It is an art form, the entry into a kayak, especially in deep water. They should have adequate experience with wet Entrybefore your equipment with you as well. This can not only save lives but can also save money!

Sit in the fishing kayaks tend to have less initial stability, ie, they feel like they go, leading at every moment. This is because the weight of the body below the water surface, and makes the kayak behave like a pendulum. The Sweet Spot on a sit in kayak is very low. These kayaks have a tendency to roll before you realize it.

If you want to explore the city,Canoeing, fishing and make a few but they are are not easily tipped. I can count the number of on one hand that I've flipped my kayak. And each of those days there was no "accident". I had something to do in one way or another. The attempt to establish a branch in our time, as we bust, I was in my Potomac, pushed on the branch, and down I went. In general it is your fault when that happens!

To sum up, harder to flip kayaks are wider, longer and widerKayaks are usually unflippable. Most people can hang their legs over the edge with a kayak to rest them. Some sit on tops, you can even climb up it, without even thinking about dumping you. As long as you practice what you use, and use your brain, while on the water, you are him home safely!

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Northern Virginia and Washington DC are in the population is growing rapidly and as more people in the region, an issue that will require more and more often - what is the quality of my drinking water?

Individuals and families are naturally concerned with their health and drinking water is an important element in maintaining good health.

Unfortunately, the quality of water in Northern Virginia and Washington, DC is very poor and is getting worse. ContaminantsBacteria, minerals and chemicals in tap water are masked with high doses of chlorine and tap water, in addition to being unhealthy, tastes and smells terrible.

Regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not eliminate contamination, but merely sets maximum levels for contaminants that enter the human body and cause long term damage.

Well water is also contaminated, but there are no federal or state agency that regulates the well water.

What's the storyWith tap water?

Tap water is usually pumped into municipal water from nearby rivers, and then processed in accordance with the EPA guidelines. The processing is done is usually by a water treatment plant with heavy amounts of chlorine to avoid the remaining bacteria to kill the process to catch. It is important to note that the EPA guidelines are just that - it allows minimum amounts of contamination, can eventually create dangerous for adults and children.

InNorthern Virginia and Washington DC is pumped drinking water mainly from the Potomac River, and at least one waste treatment facility.

Impurities be present in this source water include:

Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations and wildlife.

Inorganic contaminants such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or from urbanStorm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining or agriculture.

Contaminants including pesticides and herbicides, which come from a variety of sources, such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff and residential can.

In addition, organic contaminants, chemical contaminants can, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which contain by-products of industrial processes and petroleum, and it can also lead tofrom gas stations, urban storm water runoff and septic systems.

Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring or the result of oil and gas production and mining activities at the local tap water.

What is the source of water in Northern Virginia and Washington DC?

The water in the Potomac River, Anacostia River and Rock Creek flows into the district from outside jurisdictions. For example, begins on the Potomac River in WestVirginia, while starting the Anacostia River in Maryland. The quality of water in Northern Virginia and the District is therefore affected by the activities throughout the catchment.

Stormwater runoff from commercial, industrial, residential and agricultural sites to contribute, point source pollutants from sewage and industrial discharges, combined sewer overflows, and from as far away as West Virginia and Pennsylvania, all contribute to the quality of water in the district and the North --Virginia.

What About combined sewer overflows (CSO's)

CSO's are common when natural events such as floods overcome the capacity

pumped from waste treatment plants and raw sewage back into the water source such as the Potomac River.

During periods of significant rainfall, the capacity of a combined sewer may be exceeded. When this happens, are designed so that the regulators the surplus, which is a mixture of stormwater and sanitary waste, it istaken directly to the Anacostia River, Rock Creek, the Potomac River, or tributary waters. This surplus is called Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO).

Release of this surplus is necessary to prevent flooding in real estate, Keller, shops and streets, but she adds, bacteria and pollutants as a potential threat to the water pipe.

As part of the CSO's tap water comes from sewage can adversely affect the quality of our waters in aNumber of ways:

CSO's contain material that carries a high bacteria levels in the receiving waters. Organic materials in CSO's can contribute to low dissolved oxygen levels that kill fish is a potential for contributing stress or fish, especially during the summer months, and (debris in CSO's as plastic bottles, Styrofoam cups as "floatable" known ) can contribute to poor aesthetics.

How safe is good for drinking water?

Well water, a popularAlternative to water, particularly in Northern Virginia is subject to the same tap groundwater pollutants, chemical and organic waste discharge than tap water, but not by a federal or state agency governed in any way.

In addition to emitting foul smells of sulfur and sediments from the Northern Virginia Water and water contains large amounts of iron in the rock in some areas, particularly the Piedmont and Blue Ridge that are in the iron "staining." Sulfides in the groundwater isalso found in parts of the Valley and Ridge, where there is coal or natural gas, produces a repulsive odor.

Groundwater, which can be a source of well water is contaminated by human activities. Bacteria from septic systems and nitrate from both septic systems and fertilizer applications are among the most common contaminants. Since water is not subject to the regulation, the potability and suitability for drinking water, one is private and the responsibility of the homeowner, and manyprivate wells are contaminated.

The treatment of drinking water from the well

The State of Virginia strongly recommends the treatment of well water with chlorine to kill bacteria in water and in an effort to the offensive smell and taste of chlorine, chlorination to overcome en. Here too, this process is not controlled by any state or federal authority.

Two general types of water treatment is disinfection and conditioning. To ensure delivery free of harmful bacteria,Water to be disinfected.

Questionable taste, odor and matter are then removed by conditioning.

Well Water Disinfection Methods

Drinking water is most commonly used for coliform bacteria, which live in the intestines of warm-blooded animals tested. Coliform bacteria in a well are usually the result of a faulty septic system or contaminated surface water into the well or water delivery system.

Materials and tools are used, often in wellscontaminated with bacteria live in soil and these can be introduced into the water system, in which the wells, the installation of components of the pipeline system, or maintenance of a portion of the water supply. The State of Virginia strongly recommends that the water system be disinfected following construction and after all repairs.

Chlorination is used to disinfect private supplies, because it destroys bacteria within a reasonable time and gives contact remainingProtection. However, normal levels of chlorination are not always effective in destroying Giardia cysts that cause severe gastrointestinal diseases. Super high degree of chlorination, boiling and filtering are the only effective methods to destroy or remove these cysts.

High concentrations can be criticized for chlorine taste and odor, and even low concentrations of chlorine to react with some organic compounds to produce strong, unpleasant taste and odor.

To eliminate thisRemove offensive taste and excessive amounts of chlorine, the water is then dechlorinated. To reduce carbon filters are the most commonly used devices to dechlorinate water to remove objectionable chlorine taste, and corrosion of pipelines.

How safe is tap and well water for drinking?

The municipalities, which also owns and even claim that the EPA and tap well water in Northern Virginia and Washington DC completely safe to drink, but one has to ask himself.Consider the source of tap water in view of the waste water treatment, ask yourself, starting heavy chlorine additive and waste into the Potomac River and one. Also consider that even water for most tap water contaminants, but is subject to unregulated as well.

Drinking Bottled Water is an alternative to Tap or Well?

Yes and no, depending on the type and quality of mineral water. Purified water will be by many experts as the best.

ThePopularity of mineral water have soared, as the Americans seek a healthy lifestyle and better tasting water. But not all bottled water is healthier than tap water, or even alternative.

Up to 25% of all bottled water in the market is just tap water in plastic bottles and bottled water that is not cleaned often contains minerals and other impurities that may harm your health repackaged. These impurities are not only unhealthy and affect the taste of water, but limitShelf life for an emergency supply of drinking water.

Purified water, however, with a distillation and oxygenation process that provides drinking water of the safest and best tasting alternative to tap water and contaminated well in Northern Virginia and Washington DC

Distillation removes pure water from the impurities and oxygen generates a fresh taste, light water.

Pure water is essential for the creation of a healthy lifestyle and health for you and yourFamily.

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