Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln spent his day with a visit to callers and visitors at a Cabinet meeting. Enter the cabinet was General Ulysses S. Grant, Lincoln, Grant said he and a recurring dream of a ship, which is high speed in a dark and indefinite shore. " Now that the civil war was over, the subjects discussed at the meeting were the problems of reconstruction and treatment of former leader of the Confederation.

WhoAt night, the Lincoln is planning a visit to Ford's Theatre to see the play Our American Cousin. Lincoln asked General Grant for his guest tonight, but Grant declined the invitation of the President. Instead, Lincoln and his wife Mary attend a performance of Our American Cousin of two guests, Major Henry Rathbone and his fiancee, Miss Clara Harris' business.

Earlier, President Lincoln in a brief refuge from civil war, where he attended a play at Ford foundTheater November 9, 1863. Lincoln then saw a play called The heart of marble, published in this game is a young man who enjoys respect named John Wilkes Booth. Booth did not act in Our American Cousin on the night of April 14, but is expected to Ford's Theatre during the execution of the game.

That night, Lincoln, Major Henry Rathbone, Clara and Miss Harris were enjoying the game two of the characters in the game to change the following lines in the thirdPlot:

Montchessington Ms:

"I am aware, Mr. Trenchard, who are not accustomed to the mores of polite society."

Asa Trenchard:

"You do not know the customs of polite society, right? Well, I think I know enough to turn You Inside Out, old GAL - you sockdologizing Mantrap old!

After the lines above in the work, the audience laughed every time. John Wilkes Booth knew that this scene in the play, the audience too noisyLaughter is like a signal. At that time, Booth uses A.44 caliber Derringer President Lincoln in the back of the head from close range near ready.

Mayor Booth reduced Rathbone with a knife and then jumped on the scene when she cried;

"Sic semper tyranny."

What is Latin for "thus always to tyrants". Booth broke his leg when he landed on the scene, but he escaped from Ford's Theatre in an alley, and a horse, wait. All this happened at 10:15 hoursPM Friday.

President Lincoln was unconscious but still alive. It is in front of Ford's Theater, Peterson moved. Recorded in a back room, one meter and ten centimeters diagonal Lincoln High in a bed that had been placed too quick for him.

head injury that President Lincoln was very, very severe. There was not much the president can do now except to observe and maintain. President Abraham Lincoln died April 15, 1865, approximately07:22.

After the death of Abraham Lincoln, was reported to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, said;

"Now he belongs to both."

assassination of Abraham Lincoln was a tragedy. The nation is in mourning.

Some in the south have been defeated by the news of the death of Lincoln gay ... This war was long and hard, harsh and bloody. Others saw in the south, who had lost a friend on the road to recovery and healing after the war. the death of Lincoln was not goodNews for the people of the south. Some leaders took office after Lincoln's death was not the idea of reconciliation for the South Lincoln.

Almost immediately after his assassination, the talk is about a kind of a monument to President Abraham Lincoln. The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC 1922 has been dedicated the Lincoln Memorial has 36 columns to represent the number of states have been the Union during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Carved into the marble of the SouthWall memory of Lincoln's Gettysburg.

The Lincoln Memorial is in front of Confederate General Robert E. Lee 's former home of the Potomac River in Arlington House.