Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"The unthinkable: who survives when disaster - and why" by Amanda Ripley is a fascinating insight into the human response to disasters This excellent book not only describes some of what happened, but look closely. "Why." People react as they do in these situations as Gavin de Becker, author of "The Gift of Fear" is the name on the cover: "unthinkable" is not just a book about the disaster, is a book about survival. - Maybe yours "

The book contains aIntroduction, entitled "Life is like molten metal, then eight chapters divided into three parts.

The first part, comprising Chapters denial-of delay: delay in round 1 and risk management: The game in New Orleans. The second part, the board includes three chapters: fear: the body and the mind of a hostage, Resilience: Staying Cool in Jerusalem, and groupthink: Role in the Beverly Hills Supper Club Fire. The third part, at the crucial moment, the last three chapters: the thrill of panicHoly Land paralysis: Playing Dead in French class, and heroism: a suicide attempt in the Potomac River.

The book ends with a conclusion entitled "Making new instincts." Each section of the book consists of information not only about the human condition to respond, but the stories of real people and what other disasters. Some of the stories of heroism during this period is very exciting.

I liked this bookWe appreciate the time and information to Amanda Ripley put into it. Stories have your attention, and the lessons we can learn from this book just may save your life, if ever the misfortune to be caught in a disaster. The book reinforces some of my habits, as always, playing the security card if you develop a plan that surrounds us, and given the outputs, and reminded me of other habits that can better prepare for the worst.

Tofascinating view of disasters and how they affect people, with lessons that can help if you are against a combined "unthinkable", recommended by Amanda Ripley.

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