Friday, December 10, 2010

Sic Semper Tyrannis

"Sic Semper Tyrannis" is the phrase at the bottom of the seal of the State of Virginia. Translated means "thus always to tyrants." Above is the picture of virtue, sword in hand and a foot on. chest of the fallen dictatorship with his crown on the narrow The symbolism is clear: the triumph of virtue over oppression They should be read by us, the Bible, to understand that this is the end result. end. This is the final result ... But what aboutnow?

The motto was proposed to the Convention of Virginia in 1776 by George Mason ... designed and developed in the poetry of the language of the State by the signatories of the Declaration of Independence, George Wythe. This was a time when the community and our young nation was locked in a struggle for survival and independence from the British crown. The statement said that "to witness to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions", which means seeking divine helpin their struggle for freedom.

This fight was the one who understand their ... depends not only on the justice of their cause is sufficient for success. These founding fathers knew that he had come with difficulty and pain to endure the difficulties and of course ... But they also knew that had the force of natural law, liberty and the desire of its creator.

They knew that the fight was not just for themselves but for allother citizens of the colonies, the freedoms they want. The freedom fighters knew that was part of their service to other human beings. James Madison said. "Resistance to tyranny is service to God" not only see the hand of God, his efforts to help, they saw these efforts as well as to serve God and the spread of freedom given to their country.

People are not the simple life we have today, but there was no common understanding of ChristianPrinciples ... of good and evil. They understand that rights come from God and not from government. Knew they had to oppose restrictions on their rights.

Today we see a sea power with the interference with the liberty and property. For those of us in Virginia is just across the Potomac River. We have a president who can appoint a czar after another. Everyone has a purpose in live mixing and manipulation of some aspects of our lives. L 'I finally learned, was more than twenty of these little tsars, the release of alpha-Zar, Barack Hussein Obama. They are there to tell us what to do with the energy and the environment. Are you here to tell us what they pay when they are not union members. You are in charge, the automobile, this car is what you must tell us how to drive.

Even Mr. Porkbarrel, Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) has registered its concerns in a letter to the White House, where he writes,"It is a threat to the rapid accumulation of power and easy to members of the White House, the constitutional system of checks and balances. He has to complain about the past of the emperor," It 's rare to testimony before congressional committees and the shield often information and decision-making process after the application of executive privilege. "

The fact is that it gives them considerable power in the executive branch, but not subject to confirmation by the Senate or the process control of Congress. L 'The president could and can still name the likes of Ward Churchill to oversee education. He has already appointed John Holdren, who in the past, forced abortions, sterilizations and mass as the guru of the defenders of science.

Much of what is happening under the radar and we will not know until it runs into the fund established by rules, regulations and restrictions imposed by the executive. In general, we are only taking into account the power of the federal government, and intentionally violated the law of naturethat our ancestors fought to establish the foundation of our Constitution.

The question then is how to react. If we say that all private information in search of census staff? Will we let Washington bureaucrats to prescribe our health care system? We need to allow federal inspectors, even in our homes? Will we still be confiscated as our weapons?

In the early morning of April 19, 1775 was our ancestors, the choice of how theyLexington Green, then that day in Concord, where the British troops arrived to confiscate their weapons. The English settlers were regular ... and the usual I could not!

Everyone must answer for themselves, but also of Albert Einstein, not a man, especially political or revolutionary gave this advice: "Never do anything against conscience even if the State so requires."

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