Tuesday, June 1, 2010

These days, you can use all types of fitness programs in books, magazines, sports and even the Internet, but not more than five good programs for divers and those, four out of five are almost the same, the routines are very similar.

After some serious research on what could be the best fitness program for a diver, I found CrossFit and I think it is better. Why? As defined in its website, and the strength of the basic program CrossFit conditioning.This program is used for military and police forces around the world, what is most interesting training, also found that the Navy Seals use this program as one of the most important fitness programs for its diving.

I started my research focused on research in an area of physical fitness program of the belly, because I believe the abdominal muscles of the key elements of sport at decent, But after reading all about the program I think CrossFita big mistake to try to isolate the rest of the body ABS. The human body is an impressive structure of interconnected systems, so why try to train only some areas of the body. You will notice that most fitness programs for divers years in the upper body, lower body and abdominals are divided, most authors of books on fitness recommend this type of routine dive.

CrossFit is a program that will ensure that each diver to contribute to a higher than averagephysical level, it is not an exercise program or focus Specialized, I also think it will be easier to maintain the program is not the same routine week after week. In general, most of us begin new routines with all the enthusiasm in the world, but (here is the big BUT), the same way as eating the same food every day or week we will Some boring routines are very few weeks exciting it.

CrossFit offers a surprising combinationexercises developed in the state of the body in ten different areas: cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, strength, speed, coordination, flexibility, improve balance and accuracy.

As a diver in good shape, reduce air pollution (or mixture) of consumption, increase strength, minimize or eliminate the feet and cramps, and both enjoy their time diving.

As a final note, I am in no way affiliated withCrossFit, I discovered that a small group of people who receive all the benefits of this program in physics, and I want to spread the word.

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